Welcome to the Center for Cancer Registry Education
NCRA is the premier education and training resource for the cancer registry community. The Center for Cancer Registry Education is designed to provide easy access to high-quality educational programming to support both seasoned professionals and those new to the field. This one-stop access site offers a variety of products and services, allowing you to tailor your training and manage continuing education credits. To address the need to increase the cancer registry workforce, the center also provides information on how to become a cancer registrar and earn the Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) credential.
Special Note: NCRA has changed the name of its credential. Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) is the new name for the Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) credential. Please note that any reference to the Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) credential should be understood to be the Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) credential. For more information regarding the name change see the ODS Name Change.