Learning Module

Other Education 

NCRA develops training to meet the needs of registrars with all levels of experience. Some of this education may be introductory or informational and, as a result, does not qualify for continuing education (CE) credit. The training listed below falls under these two categories. 

Special Note: NCRA has changed the name of its credential. Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) is the new name for the Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) credential. Please note that any reference to the Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) credential should be understood to be the Oncology Data Specialist (ODS) credential. For more information regarding the name change see the ODS Name Change.

SPECIAL NOTE: Registration for all NCRA learning activities is per-person only. It entitles only the paid registrant to view and participate. For details, see NCRA's Registration Policy.

Professional Development

No CE Activity

NCRA's Online Cancer Case Studies Activity (Eighth Edition)

NCRA's Online Case Studies Activity has 15 case studies (bladder, breast, colon/rectum, kidney, lung, prostate, and renal pelvis) and provides more opportunities to practice assigning stage using the eighth edition manual. Updated January 2024.
No CE Activity
Non-Member N/A

NCRA's Special Education for CoC Standard 4.3

Special education for non-CTR credentialed cancer registry staff that addresses CoC Standard 4.3. Click on the title for more details.
No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

What You Need to Know About Genetics & Cancer

Learn what you need to know about genetics.

Registry Operations

No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

2023 Pediatric Data in the Forefront

Learn about the new NAACCR Pediatric SSDI Work Group and its role in improving future pediatric cancer data and research.
No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

2021 Registry Resources Guide

Learn about resources available at your fingertips to enhance your value to the registry.
No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Understanding Your Registry Database

Understand your database and how the data is stored and moved.

Other Education (No CE Credit)

No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Getting Your Foot in the Door

Find out how you can get started in your search for a position in a cancer registry.
No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Beyond the Cancer Registry: The Value of CTR Skills

Learn about other career options for cancer registrars outside of the hospital registry.
No CE Activity
Member Free
Non-Member Free

Mentoring in the CTR Profession: Four Areas You Should Know

Understand the importance of mentoring in the cancer registry profession; learn four areas that are important to address as a CTR mentor; discover how to get involved as a CTR mentor, and hear real-life experiences from a mentor and mentee’s perspective.
