Module 1: Casefinding and Follow-Up

This module contains three sections - Casefinding for Registrars, Casefinding Technology for Registrars, and Follow-Up. After successful completion of this module, participants will earn 1.5 hours of continuing education. 

Learning Objectives:

Casefinding for Registrars 

  • Review source documents
  • Define reportability requirements
  • Outline Class of Case
  • Discuss the purpose of the suspense file

Casefinding Technology for Registrars 

  • Discuss casefinding automation and the effectiveness it brings to the registry processes
  • Address using automated data for tracking appointments, ICD-10 codes, pathology, and treatment information
  • Identify caveats/limitations in the data
  • Explain the importance of registrars to automation 


  • Review methods for obtaining follow-up information
  • List sources typically used
  • Discuss the importance of entering data, including vital status, cancer status, date-of-last contact, first recurrence, progression of disease, and subsequent treatment will also be addressed
