Available Until 1/19/2026

Abstracting & Coding: Cervical Cancer (2023)

Ellen Perkins, CTR, and Robin Hutson, CTR will discuss abstracting cervical cancers in light of changes to the AJCC staging rules and  review the modalities of imaging that are now allowed. In addition, they will review the incorporation of pathologic findings into staging of cervical cancer, which better defines how pathologic findings from examination of biopsy, excision, or surgical resection specimens can be used to determine clinical and pathologic stage.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the changes to staging cervical cancer in the AJCC, 9th Edition.
  • Illustrate the impact the changes have made to clinical and pathological staging.
  • Demonstrate the application of the new rules to a case scenario.

Credit Information

Activity Number Credit Amount Accreditation Period
2023-019 1 CE April 20, 2023 - April 19, 2026
